William Baglione < San Francisco :: USA :: Dezembro de 2009 >

Texto e Foto Evan Pricco " Juxtapoz Magazine "
There is William Baglione, editor of the July 2009 Brazil Issue that we did... he was in town for his brother Herbert's show in San Francisco's FIFTY24SF Gallery show, and stopped by to see what Rene was up to. Herbert can't come to the United States because our country doesn't appreciate talent and likes to make it hard for artists to come here... let's all move to Canada...
Fonte : Juxtapoz

Como de costume além dos negócios para tratar fazemos grandes amizades pelos lugares onde passamos.
Na foto acima , também registrada por Evan Pricco - Juxtapoz Magazine - está Rene Almanza ... artista mexicano que conheci em San Francisco. Mais do que um grande artista trata-se de uma pessoa de carácter e postura respeitosa.
O caminho da felicidade pode ter várias respostas e cada um tem a sua ... mas costumo dizer que sem paixão naquilo que fazemos não vamos muito longe.
Tinho + Sesper + Herbert Baglione < Premium Personal Accessories For IPhone and MacBook :: U.S.A.::> Uncommon Company
This Is Uncommon from Scott Wilson on Vimeo.
Uncommon designs and manufactures premium personal accessories that consumers can customize with unmatched ease and quality. From collaborations with the world’s top progressive artists to our global creative community to your own personal imagery, the choice is yours. We do what no one else can. Our patented Uncommon 3D TATT™ process and online customizer empower users to express themselves in ways never before possible.
We provide the canvas. You provide the inspiration.™
See more Sesper ; Herbert Baglione and Tinho
The Dark Wave " Herbert Baglione "

A Exposição Individual do Artista Herbert Baglione em Solo Americano Conta Com Pinturas Inéditas e 200 Desenhos. Acima Imagens de 5 dos Desenhos Elaborados Para Esta Exposição.
Contate Fifty 24 SF Gallery
Famiglia Balione | Aktuell

Hoje tem a abertura do Projeto Portfólio da Aktuell Comnunicação que dessa vez conta com a participação dos artistas da Famiglia.
Estao expostas obras de Herbert Baglione, Felipe Yung "Flip", Walter Nomura "Tinho", Alexandre Cruz "Sesper" e Thais Beltrame, alem de uma grande parede externa que foi pintada por Thais e Sesper.
Para ver o convite, clique aqui.
Exibição solo de Herbert Baglione na Fifty24SF Gallery em São Francisco - California, a partir de amanha.

"The Dark Wave" Opens Thursday December 10th, 2009
Fifty24SF is proud to host “The Dark Wave”- a solo exhibition by Herbert Baglione.
Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione has been a strong interest in the South American graffiti movement for more than ten years. Inspired by Brazil’s street culture, Baglione started experimenting with new ways to look at his urban environment of Sao Paulo and provoked dialogue about his fresh perspective on urban artwork. Alongside these efforts are Baglione’s distinctive mural designs and stretched figures representing humans and aliens. These are often balancing elongated and rounded extremes with dramatic iconic symbols such as familiar urban architecture.
Influenced by his older brother, Baglione began painting at the age of three, and has found his greatest interest in provoking themes such as death, individualism, family, and chaos. These complex themes alongside his distinctive style have given Baglione deserved recognition in the international graffiti scene.
“The Dark Wave” features new sketches and paintings on canvas on display at FIFTY24SF Gallery from December 10, 2009 – January 28, 2010.
We cordially invite you to join us for the opening reception of:
"The Dark Wave"
Thursday December 10th, 2009
248 Fillmore St., San Francisco, CA, 94117
Please contact Lynzy@upperplayground.com for information regarding the preview link.
To learn more about Herbert please visit www.fifty24sf.com

"The Dark Wave" Opens Thursday December 10th, 2009
Fifty24SF is proud to host “The Dark Wave”- a solo exhibition by Herbert Baglione.
Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione has been a strong interest in the South American graffiti movement for more than ten years. Inspired by Brazil’s street culture, Baglione started experimenting with new ways to look at his urban environment of Sao Paulo and provoked dialogue about his fresh perspective on urban artwork. Alongside these efforts are Baglione’s distinctive mural designs and stretched figures representing humans and aliens. These are often balancing elongated and rounded extremes with dramatic iconic symbols such as familiar urban architecture.
Influenced by his older brother, Baglione began painting at the age of three, and has found his greatest interest in provoking themes such as death, individualism, family, and chaos. These complex themes alongside his distinctive style have given Baglione deserved recognition in the international graffiti scene.
“The Dark Wave” features new sketches and paintings on canvas on display at FIFTY24SF Gallery from December 10, 2009 – January 28, 2010.
We cordially invite you to join us for the opening reception of:
"The Dark Wave"
Thursday December 10th, 2009
248 Fillmore St., San Francisco, CA, 94117
Please contact Lynzy@upperplayground.com for information regarding the preview link.
To learn more about Herbert please visit www.fifty24sf.com
Herbert Baglione, Alexandre Cruz 'Sesper' & Thais Beltrame | Nike Red Project
Contribuição dos artistas da Famiglia para a campanha Red.
A campanha Nike RED, liderada pelo cantor Bono Vox, tem como símbolo da luta e conscientizarão os cadarços vermelhos. Estes cadarços estão à venda no mundo todo e toda a sua renda será revertida para a RED que combate a Aids na África.
Thais Beltrame, Alexandre Cruz 'Sesper' e Herbert Baglione por Caroline Bittencourt.

Acesse os sites do projeto: nike.com e joinred.com.
A campanha Nike RED, liderada pelo cantor Bono Vox, tem como símbolo da luta e conscientizarão os cadarços vermelhos. Estes cadarços estão à venda no mundo todo e toda a sua renda será revertida para a RED que combate a Aids na África.
Thais Beltrame, Alexandre Cruz 'Sesper' e Herbert Baglione por Caroline Bittencourt.

Acesse os sites do projeto: nike.com e joinred.com.
Herbert Baglione | Juxtapoz Dark Arts Book
Acabamos de receber o livro da Juxtapoz "Dark Arts Book", onde esta publicado algumas das obras de Herbert Baglione.
O livro conta com trabalhos de Richard Colman, James Jean, Travis Louie, Miss Van, Jeff Soto entre outros.
Para comprar, clique AQUI.

Juxtapoz Dark Arts Book
This book is all about an art form that aims to be unsettling and has its roots in the 20th Century. Some people make a connection between dark art and gothic subculture, others simply associate it with the metaphysical, the disturbing or the nightmarish. However you perceive it, this art form is now part of mainstream culture and is becoming ever more popular. It can be found in all sorts of media including advertising, television, and film.
This collection of works compiled by Juxtapoz features today’s most talented dark artists, all of whom create a certain mood or emotion in their work that is uniquely theirs. Some are especially lush in detail and color such as those by Wendy Cogan-Toyoda; others more minimalist such as Irana Douer’s “hidden treasure” nudes.
224 pages, Hardcover, 8'' x 10'' (203 x 254 mm)
300 Illustrations, English
ISBN: 978-1-58423-361-9
Price: $29.95
O livro conta com trabalhos de Richard Colman, James Jean, Travis Louie, Miss Van, Jeff Soto entre outros.
Para comprar, clique AQUI.

Juxtapoz Dark Arts Book
This book is all about an art form that aims to be unsettling and has its roots in the 20th Century. Some people make a connection between dark art and gothic subculture, others simply associate it with the metaphysical, the disturbing or the nightmarish. However you perceive it, this art form is now part of mainstream culture and is becoming ever more popular. It can be found in all sorts of media including advertising, television, and film.
This collection of works compiled by Juxtapoz features today’s most talented dark artists, all of whom create a certain mood or emotion in their work that is uniquely theirs. Some are especially lush in detail and color such as those by Wendy Cogan-Toyoda; others more minimalist such as Irana Douer’s “hidden treasure” nudes.
224 pages, Hardcover, 8'' x 10'' (203 x 254 mm)
300 Illustrations, English
ISBN: 978-1-58423-361-9
Price: $29.95
Thais Beltrame & Sesper | preparativos para a coletiva da Famiglia na Aktuell
Thais e Sesper hoje durante o trabalho que esta sendo feito na Aktuell, onde teremos uma exposição coletiva da Famiglia.
Mais informações em breve.

Mais informações em breve.
Felipe Yung "Flip" | Graffiti Gone Global
Flip ja esta em Miami para o Graffiti Gone Global, evento organizado pelo SushiSamba.
Postaremos mais imagens assim que recebermos maiores novidades dos EUA.
Postaremos mais imagens assim que recebermos maiores novidades dos EUA.

Famiglia Baglione Se Une ao Projeto RED de Bono Vox + Nike < Hoje é o dia mundial do combate a AIDS >

Imagem do Artista Flip com o cadarço vermelho símbolo da campanha.
Para obter maiores informações acesse (NIKE)RED
Postagens (Atom)